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영남대학교 대학원 기술혁신·기업가정신학과
홈페이지 방문을 환영합니다!



대학원 협동과정으로 개설된 기술혁신·기업가정신 학과는 2016년부터 설치·운영되고 있으며 기술혁신 역량과 기업가정신을 바탕으로 성공 창업과 사내혁신을 주도하는 기업가정신 교육 전문가를 양성하는 학과입니다. 일반대학원 과정이며, 석사 및 박사과정과 더불어 석·박사 통합 과정을 운영하고 있습니다.


본 대학원은 석사과정, 박사과정, 석·박사통합과정을 운영하는 일반대학원으로, 교내 5개 학과(경영학과, 회계세무학과, 무역학과, 기계공학과, 화학공학과)가 참여하는 협동과정입니다.


기술혁신·기업가정신학 석/박사 또는 경영학 석/박사 수여



The Department of Technology Innovation & Entrepreneurship, established as a cooperative program for graduate schools, has been operating since 2016. It aims to cultivate experts in entrepreneurship education who lead successful startups and corporate innovation based on technological innovation capabilities and entrepreneurial spirit. It is a general graduate program offering master's and doctoral courses, as well as an integrated master's and doctoral program.


This graduate school operates master's, doctoral, and integrated master's and doctoral programs as a general graduate school, with participation from five departments within the university (Department of Business Administration, Department of Accounting and Taxation, Department of Trade, Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Department of Chemical Engineering).

Degrees Granted

Master's/Doctorate in Technological Innovation &Entrepreneurship or Master's/Doctorate in Business Administration