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Information Center

Video and Multimedia

2021 Video lecture N

  • Writer PSPS
  • August 3, 2021
  • Views : 1343

Link of winner team's video : https://youtu.be/YZPQM90yPuw

19 students in six teams participated in the video training carried out in the Saemaul Lounge of Chunma Art Center between June 23 and June 30, 2021. 

The training was conducted to enhance the students’ video creating and editing skills, which will be useful for future Saemaul Undong and SNS activities in their own countries. The participants were eager to learn and highly satisfied with the training. 

The instructor ranked according to the level of participation and completeness of the video results.The first prize was granted to the team of Sun lyhong , Dalaphone Douangsouliya and Horsombat Aunshulee