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Student Council

2018 SC Management Report – Financial Report for Summer Semester N

  • Writer 펑닝
  • Date : 2018.10.08 09:34
  • Views : 1012

Dear PSPS students,


The Student Council would like to release its financial report for the past summer semester for your review and reference, as attached below. If you have any questions, comments, and/or suggestions, please send them to psps_sc@ynu.ac.kr or talk to your batch representative directly.  

We are grateful to all your kind support and participation. As this Student Council is advancing to the end of term, we hope all of you can seize the opportunity get more benefits from our remaining programs and activities. We look forward to see you in YU Cultural Festival! Thank you!


Yours Sincerely,


PENG Ning (Tracy)


PSPS Student Council for 2018 Spring and Summer Semester