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Applying for the comprehensive examination N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2013.09.17 15:02
  • Views : 405


★ Applicant: All students who will apply for the comprehensive examination should meet the following requirements.


1. Registered more than 3 semesters
2. Obtained at least 30 credits
3. Took language courses or submit the official scores
    * Language courses
       -Domestic Students: English 1, English 2, English 3
       -International Students: Korean 1, Korean 2, Korean 3
    * Official Scores
      - Domestic Students: TEPS 690, TOFEL CBT 240, TOFEL IBT 94, IELTS Level 6,
        TOEIC 800 or above
      - International Students: TOPIK Level 4, KLPT 50 or above


★ Applicants should apply for the comprehensive examination via URP system.


Period : 24 Sept. 9AM - 29 Sept. 5PM. KST.




Please refer to the attched file to let you know in detail.


If you have any questions about it, please contact imsujinee@ynu.ac.kr