영남대학교 박정희새마을대학원영남대학교

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Information Center


Visa Extension: Required documents N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2014.02.19 14:01
  • Views : 363


● Your visa expiration date is written on the back side of the Alien Registration Card.


   Students who need to extend their D-2 visa, please prepare the following docements and


   visit the Daegu Immigrations Office before the date ends.


Required Documents


- Application form (Attached)


- Alien registration card


- Certificate of Current Attendance (재학증명서): Can be issued from the machine


- Transcript of whole semesters (성적증명서): Can be issued from the machine


- 60,000 KRW


- Housing contract for students who stay in out-campus.

  (If contractor is not you, you should bring the friend's ID card as well.)


- Students who stay in the dormitory, please visit the PSPS office.



- Students who want to extend before the semester starts, please bring one more document named

  등록금납부확인서(Tuition payment certificate) from the same machine.