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Saemaul Monthly Cleaning Campaign: 1st May, 7:50AM. - 8:50AM. N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2014.04.25 15:32
  • Views : 340


Saemaul Monthly Cleaning Campaign


The Samaul Spirit Action Campaign will be implemented on 1st May, 7:50~8:50 AM..


(1)  7:50~8:00 AM. : Signing up for attendance


(2)  8:00~8:30 AM. : Cleaning the Campus


(3)  8:30~8:50 AM. : Have a breakfast



The attendance sheet will be posted on the front door in 402 classroom.


Students should sign up on the attendance sheet next to your name.


After checking your attendance, please start to clean the campus.


In this time, All 4 major students gather together and clean "the Dawn Redwood Road (메타세콰이어  거리)" which located near the street of Library & Business and Economics.




(Please refer to the attached files)



Breakfast will be provided and all of the students should attend.

We hope you are able to share the Saemaul Spirit together by cleaning our University.