영남대학교 박정희새마을대학원영남대학교

모바일메뉴 열기

Information Center


[Updated] Pre-presentation: 31 Mar. 9AM. - 4 Apr. 5PM. KST. N





1. Applicants: students who applied for the pre-presentation via URP system.


2. Period: 31 Mar. 9 AM. ~ 4 Apr. 5PM. KST.


3. Required paper: - 1st draft of the thesis/report

                                - Student Information form


4. Other information


-  Students are required to submit the 1st draft of your thesis or report to PSPS e-mail(psps@yu.ac.kr) and your advisor within the period.


- The thesis or report should meet the format requirements.


- Student information will be used to make PSPS network after graduation.


   This information will NOT be released without his/her agreement.


-  Please refer to the attached files.


If you have any questions about it, please contact program officer at imsujinee@ynu.ac.kr