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New Student ID Number & Class checking N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2014.02.17 14:55
  • Views : 364

Attached, please check the following informations:


● Student ID Number


  - You can log-in to the YU system with this ID number.


    Password is 'date of birth 6 digit + 5(male)/6(female)'


    ex) date of birth: 3th May, 1988 (Male) -> P/W: 8805035


    If you want to log-in, you need to change your P/W first. (http://yu.ac.kr)


  - During the orientation, you will learn how to use it.




● Please check the your class and class time for 2 courses.


   - "Activity 1 and Research Method and Thesis Writing Skill" courses are devided.

     Please check it in the attached file.