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Information Center


Report your complete leaving of Korea after finishing your study N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2014.02.20 14:02
  • Views : 371


Report Obligation of your leaving


Before you came to Korea for your study, PSPS reported your admission to the Immigration Office in Korea which has connection with the Embassy or Consulate General of Korea in your home countries for your visa issuance.


Students who finish their study and leave Korea must report to PSPS office about flight departure date before you leave completely from Gyeongsan, Korea. Then PSPS will report to the Immigration Office about your leaving since it is designated by Article 19-4-2 of the Immigration Act. So, please be sure to inform the PSPS office of your flight departure date after finishing your entire study in Korea to avoid any problems with your visa or stay in Korea.


If you have any inquiries, please feel free to visit the PSPS office.