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[updated] Timetable for Comprehensive Examination N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2014.09.12 14:56
  • Views : 325


Summer Semester Comprehensive Examination

1. Date: 23 Sept. 2014


2. Time & Place: please refer to the attched file


3. Notice


   - The result of the Foreign language exam will be released on 3rd week of September 2014.


      Therefore, if some students will NOT pass the foreign language exam, their applications


      for the comprehensive examination will be cancelled automatically.


    - The Credits and GPA of summer semester will be confirmed on 26 September.


      Therefore, if some students will not get more than 30 credits as a result, their comprehensive


      examination will be cancelled automatically due to not enough credits as one of qualifications.


4. List of applicants for the comprehensive examination : applicants are changed.


    Please refer to the attched file.


5. Inquries: Program officer, Sujin Kim (imsujinee@ynu.ac.kr)