영남대학교 박정희새마을대학원영남대학교

모바일메뉴 열기

Information Center


Apply for the presentation and Submission of the thesis/report: N


Apply for the presentation and Submission of the thesis/report: 25 Aug. ~ 29 Aug.


Apply for the presentation and Submission of the thesis/report


▷ Apply for the presentation and Submission of the thesis/report: 25 Aug. 9am ~ 29 Aug. 5pm. KST.



▷ Qualifications for application for the presentation and submission of the thesis/report:


- Registered the 4th semester


- Passed the comprehensive examination


- Passed the pre-presentation of thesis/report


▷Required :


- Application form for the presentation


- thesis or report for evaluation


- Evaluation fee: 100,000KRW or USD 100


- Declaration of Ethical Conduct in Research


▷ Information:


- Please refer to the attached file to let you know in detail.


- When applying for the presentation in URP system,


Students who are writing thesis: please click the "학위청구논문제출신청" menu


Students who are writing a report: please click the "학위청구보고서제출신청" menu.


* The evaluation will be ongoing according to your application.


- Please refer to the video of applying for the presentation


: Students> URPsystem > How to apply for the submission of the thesis or report(presentation)


- The application form for the presentation can be printed after you apply for it in URP system.


- Declaration of Ethical Conduct in Research can be downloaded at PSPSwebstie:


Internation Center > Forms


- Students who are going to apply for the presentation should get their advisor's signature on the Declaration of Ethical

Conduct in Research form and the application form for the presentation.


- Please put your signature on it and send it back to PSPS office.


- Inquiry: program officer, Sujin Kim (imsujinee@yun.ac.kr)