영남대학교 박정희새마을대학원영남대학교

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Extension of period of applying for the pre-presentation: 19 Mar N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2014.03.19 15:15
  • Views : 382

Extension of period of applying for the pre-presentation: 19 Mar. 1PM. ~ 21 Mar. 5PM. KST.



Apply for the pre-presentation


1. Period: 19 Mar. 1PM. ~ 21 Mar. 5PM. KST.


2. Required paper: Application form of the pre-presentation


3. Qualfication for the pre-presentation: Registered the 4th semester and thesis research course.


4. Other information:


   - Students should apply for the pre-presentation in URP system.


   - Please submit the application form via PSPS mail(psps@yu.ac.kr) after you sign up right next to


      your name on the paper.


   - Please refer to the video to let you know how to apply for it in URP system.


     : PSPS website >  Students >  URP system > How to apply for the pre-presentation


   - Please refer to the attahced files to let you know in detail about it


   - Please fill out the blank on the application form.


   : The title of thesis/report in korean (발표논제-국문)


     The title of thesis/report in English (발표논제-영문)


   - If you have any questions about it, plese contact Program officer, Sujin Kim (imsujinee@ynu.ac.kr )