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(Important Notice) Visa Expiration and Reporting Departure N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2014.11.19 14:04
  • Views : 333


Visa Expiration and Reporting Departure


Before arriving in Korea to study, PSPS reported your admission to the Immigration Office in Korea, which has then communicated with the embassies of your home countries.


All students have now received an ARC (Alien Registration Card). On the back side of your ARC is the expiration date of your student visa. You may stay in Korea for the entire period of your student visa, and you may also extend the period of your visa if you need to stay longer. However, if your student status changes, due to: graduation, withdraw, cancelation, PSPS will report this and you MUST leave Korea within 30 days. Even if your visa does not expire for a longer period, you must leave within 30 days. For example, your visa period is July 2014 ? June 2015, if you graduate March 2015 you must now leave by April 2015.


Also, PSPS is a 4 semester system, but some students finish their coursework within 3 semesters. These students often decide to return home and finish their 4th semester in their own country. If you are one of these students and you wish to come back to Korea when you finish for the graduation ceremony, PSPS strongly advises you to extend the period on your visa before you leave back to your country to finish your 4th semester. This way you will not encounter any unforeseen problems with Immigration when trying to return. Even if you are not planning on returning or leaving for the 4th semester, PSPS still advises you to extend your stay, just incase something happens and you need to stay a bit longer.


Students who finish their studies and will leave Korea, must report their travel information to PSPS well before leaving. PSPS will notify the Immigration Office as part of Article 19-4-2 of the Immigration Act. This is to make sure there are no problems with Korean government and immigration.


If you have any questions, please feel free to come to the PSPS office and ask.