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Application for Academic Supervisor assignment N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2015.08.03 11:13
  • Views : 339

The 2nd semester enrolled students are required to apply for the academic supervisor assignment.


▶  Application Period : August 4th(Tue.)  ~  August 7th(Fri.) 

▶  Submission : PSPS office

▶  Remarks

    - All registered 2nd semester(2015 Summer Semester) students are required to apply.

    - Please fill up the attached application form except for the last line "Department Chair (sign)"

    - List of Academic Supervisors : Please see the attached file.

    - After screening the students` study plan, chosen professor may be changed.

       ※ It is better to check in advance with the professors if they can be your Academic Supervisor.

▶ Procedures (FYI)

    - Apply  →  Screened by Professors  →  Notify the assignment result on the website