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Applying for the Comprehensive Examination: 23 June - 25 June 20 N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2015.06.19 00:00
  • Views : 323

Applying for the Spring Semester Comprehensive Examination

: 23 June - 25 June 2015


1. Applicants: Students who meet the criteria as indicated below are eligible to take the comprehensive examination.

    - registered for more than 3 semesters

    - obtained at least 30 credits (more than 12 Core credits, 18 Major credits)

    - took language courses or submitted their official scores


2. The applying period for the comprehensive examination

     : KST 9 AM. 23 June 2015 - KST 5PM. 25 June 2015

   - You need to fill out the application form and submit it to hjkim19@yu.ac.kr.

     Please refer to the attached file to download the application form.


3. Date of the comprehensive examination : 10 July 2015


4. Course for the comprehensive examination

   - Name of Course: Seminar in East Asian Economy

   - Major: Public Policy and Leadership


5. Time & Place : To be announced