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PSPS 2015 February Commencement Address N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2015.02.24 09:44
  • Views : 310

PSPS 2015 February Commencement Address

by Prof. Choi Oe-chool



Congratulations Graduates!


I celebrate the graduation of over twenty recipients of Masters' degree today. I would like to thank and send a message of congratulations again not only to all the graduates who receive masters' degree on February 23, 2015 but also those who have completed their coursework and will return home soon.


You have faced many hardships during your study here. Non-native English speakers had to learn English for their study. And some experienced subfreezing weather for the first time in Korea with four distinct seasons.

Some students might have had a hard time with Korean food that did not suit their tastes. It's heartbreaking to hear about all your difficulties. However, you did overcome all the difficulties and completed your study.

I am very proud of all of you. I want to give you a big hand.


Looking back on it, I began to prepare for the foundation of Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (PSPS) in July 2011 as a head of the foundation committee and prepared the opening of our School on November 1, 2011 as the first dean of the PSPS.


When our School first admitted fifteen new students on March 2, 2012 and when we produced the first three graduates with Master of Saemaul degrees on August 22, 2013, I was so thrilled with excitement like today that I could hardly fall asleep at night.

Those were overwhelming moments because the whole processes of securing enough financial resources and putting the institutional system in place to support students from developing countries to study without worrying about their tuition and living expenses had not been an easy task at all.

At this commencement ceremony, I remember lots of memorable moments that I and many professors have made together.


All of you, leaders of Global Saemaul Undong!

Each of you have studied your major in depth based on the Saemaul spirit in the PSPS. First of all, you have learned the spirit that you have to find ways to overcome even the formidable obstacles instead of making excuses to skirt around the problems.


All people have rights to be respected and deserve to live as a human being regardless of birth places, occupations, education, financial power and gender. Despite of the continuous efforts of international community, there are still quite a lot of people living in life-threatening conditions due to the poverty and diseases.

Now, we have to strive to achieve the common tasks of global community. I expect and believe that you will devote yourselves to the co-prosperity of the global village, not only in your home country but also in many locations worldwide.


Trusty graduates!

Let's work together 'Toward a Safer and Happier World'. With our concerted efforts we can make ourselves, our families, our countries and all the people to live 'in a safer and happier world.'

My hope is that you can cherish all the moments of your stay here as a beautiful memory.


I would like to thank the Dean of Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul, Professor Park Seung Woo, many other professors and staffs for their dedicated and generous support to make this commencement come to fruition.


Dear beloved graduates!

I have been really happy with the time we shared together in Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (PSPS).

I deeply appreciate the opportunity of having you in the PSPS.


I wish you a healthy and happy future.


Thank you.



February 23, 2015


Choi Oe-chool

Executive Vice President of Yeungnam University,

Director General of the Institute for International Development Cooperation

& Chairman of Global Saemaul Forum