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Report your address change to the Immigration Office N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2014.12.04 14:04
  • Views : 348


Report your address change to the Immigration Office


According to the rules and regulations of the Immigration Office, international students who have changed their address should report to the Immigration Office within 14days from the change. Recently, the Immigration Office officers have been very strict with this and some students were asked to pay a penalty for not reporting the change.


When you go to the Immigration Office to change your address, you have to take your contract.  You may be asked to pay a penalty of about KRW 100,000 or more for the days of delay for not reporting the change.


So, those who have a change in the address which is different to the reverse side of your Alien Registration Card are required to visit the PSPS office before you go to the Immigration Office for your address change report.