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[Notification] Language Teaching Program (KOICA PROGRAM) N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2016.01.26 15:47
  • Views : 1002


Institute for International Development Cooperation (IIDC) is looking for the students who can teach the Languages of the countries below;


1. Myanmar (2 people)


2. Cambodia (1 Person)


3. Rwanda (1 Person)


4. Senegal (1 Person)


5. Laos (1 Person)


6. Vietnam (1 Person)


7. Tanzania (1 Person)


8. Ethiopia (1 Person)


The Language classes(Basic Level) will be on Sundays from 21 February. (4 hours / day)


1st : 21 February, 13:30 ~ 17:30


2nd : 28 February, 13:30 ~ 17:30


3rd : 6 March, 13:30 ~ 17:30


4th : 13 March, 13:30 ~ 17:30


5th : 20 March, 13:30 ~ 17:30


* Classroom will be notified at a later date.


Teaching time will be in total 20 hours and they will pay you \30,000 / hour.


* Those students who receive the KOICA and KEITI GESP Scholarship can not apply for this program.   (Only if they want to

teach the Languages without Payment, they will be accepted.)


* There will be an orientation for those who are selected for this teaching program at a later date.


If you are interested in this program, please come to PSPS office to apply for it


no later than 28 January 17:00.


(If there are too many applicants, IIDC might conduct a selection process.)