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Application and Submission for the 2nd Presentation Evaluation N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2015.12.16 15:35
  • Views : 352

Application and Submission

for the 2nd Presentation Evaluation


1. Qualifications - Students who meet all the qualifications below:

    a. Registered for the 4th semester, Obtained at least 30 credits (12 core credits and 18 major credits) and 3 research credits with a GPA higher than B (80)

    b. Passed the Comprehensive Examination

    c. Passed the Pre-presentation of Thesis/Report


2. Required

    a. Application form for the presentation (URP system)

        - You can print it out after finishing application in the URP system. You don't need to submit the 2nd page (심사위원 제청서), just submit the 1st page.

    b. Declaration of Ethical Conduct in Research form

    c. Evaluation fee: 100,000 KRW or USD 100

       (Please refer to the attached file “Bank Info-” to know more in detail)

    d. Thesis/Report for the evaluation (soft copy)


* You don't need to submit the plagiarism originality check report yet. Please prepare this report for the final submission. (paperback submission: 1st Feb. 2016 - 5th Feb. 2016)

※ Submission Period of Each Required things

- a, b: 28 Dec. KST 9AM. - 31 Dec. KST 11AM. (Office will close at 12PM. on 31 Dec..)

- c, d: 28 Dec. KST 9AM. - 2 Jan. KST 8AM.



3. Information: Please refer to the attached files to know more in detail.

    - When you apply for the presentation in the URP system,


       Students who are writing a thesis: click the “Diploma thesis application” menu

       Students who are writing a report: click the “Diploma report application” menu.

    - The evaluation will be ongoing according to your application.

    - Your title (Korean and English title) will be printed on the application form automatically which based on your 2nd draft. Please check your title once again.

(If you are going to change your title which compare to the 2nd draft one, please submit the ‘Application for the change of thesis/report’ form with your advisor’s permission.)

    - Students who are going to apply for the presentation should get their advisor’s signature on the application form for the presentation and declaration of ethical conduct in research form.

(Get your advisor’s signature directly or get a permission to your advisor for using the stamp at the PSPS office just as the Pre-presentation)


※ Please refer to the video of applying for the presentation

: http://youtu.be/6rTz-zX6UBc


※ Inquiry: Program Officer, KIM Hyunju (hjkim19@yu.ac.kr)