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Apply for the Pre-presentation and Submission of the 1st Draft: N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2015.10.23 14:47
  • Views : 346

Apply for the Pre-presentation and Submission of the 1st Draft: 26 Oct. KST 10 AM. - 3 Nov. KST 6 PM.




Apply for the Pre-presentation and Submission of the 1st Draft:

26 Oct. KST 10 AM. ~ 3 Nov. KST 6 PM.


1. Apply for the Pre-presentation: 26 Oct. KST 10 AM. ~ 30 Oct. KST 6 PM.


   a. Required document: Application form of the pre-presentation


   b. Qualification for the pre-presentation: Students who meet the criteria as indicated below


       1) Registered for the 4th semester


       2) Registered/Obtained thesis research course credit


       3) Obtained at least 30 credits with GPA higher than B(80/3.0) including core 12 credits, Major 18 credits. (Not including the thesis research course, thesis substitute course)


   c. Other information


       1) Student should apply for the pre-presentation in URP system. Please refer to the below procedure


            ① Login to YU URP system (http://portal.yu.ac.kr)


            ② Access to URP system and click the “Graduation Management” menu on the left side.

            ③ Click the “Pre-thesis presentation application“ drop-down menu.

            ④ Please read the notice, click the “Check” button and type the last 7 digits of your alien card number.


            ⑤ Please select "논문(thesis)" or "보고서(report)" at "유형(type)" option, and write your abstract of the thesis/report within 600 letters (NOT 600 words) at “발표논문내용”.

            ⑥ Click the button and print out the application form.


            ⑦ At the print page, click the MS WORD icon button. After opening your file, please write your title in Korean and English.


               - The title of thesis/report in Korean (“발표논제-국문”)


               - The title of thesis/report in English (“발표논제-영문”)

            ⑧ Please sign on the printed application paper, get advisor’s signature directly or get a permission to your advisor for using the stamp at the PSPS office.


      2) Submit the application form by e-mail to the Program Officer Kim Hyunju, hjkim19@yu.ac.kr or to the PSPS office directly.

           - Please refer to the video of applying for the pre-presentation.

              : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S74nU_Ot7pc

           - When you fill out the title of the thesis/report in Korean and English, please consult with your advisor.



2. Submission of the 1st Draft: 26 Oct. 10 AM. - 3 Nov. 6 PM.

   a. Applicants: students who have completed their application for the pre-presentation via the URP system.

   b. Period: 26 Oct. 10 AM. - 3 Nov. 6 PM.

   c. Required Documents

      - 1st draft of the thesis/report

      - Student Information Form

   d. Other Information

      - Students are required to submit the 1st draft of their thesis or report to the Program Officer Kim Hyunju (hjkim19@yu.ac.kr) and your advisor by email within the period.

      - The thesis or report should meet the format requirements.

      - Student information will be used for inclusion in the PSPS network after graduation. This information will NOT be released without the student's agreement.

      - When you submit your 1st draft, please check again your title and anticipated degree (please refer to the attached ‘Example’).


* Please refer to the attached file.

* Do NOT translate Korean title by yourself.




* If you have any questions about it, please contact the Program Officer Kim Hyunju (hjkim19@yu.ac.kr)