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Safety Guidelines During an Earthquake N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2016.09.13 14:07
  • Views : 381


Safety Guidelines During an Earthquake

The shaking during earthquakes remains 1~2 minutes in most times. Drop to the floor, take cover under a sturdy desk or table, and hold on to it so it does not move away from you. Cover your head with pillow if there’s no table. 

? If there is fire, be composed and extinguish the fire.
If you feel even a small shaking from earthquakes, turn off the stove or heater immediately.

? Don’t rush to get outside.
It is dangerous to move outside during shakings because of falling window or signs. Move outside, stay away from buildings when the shaking stops completely. Take shelter in a park or empty lot.

? Open the door and secure the exit.

? If you are outside, stay away from the exterior walls or gate post.  Walls, facades and architectural details are often the first parts of the building to collapse, so it is the most dangerous place to be even it is easy to hold on during the shaking.

? If you are in a moving automobile, pull over as quickly and safely as possible to prevent a flat tire. Move your car to the right avoiding crossroads.

? If you are in a department store, theater, or underground shopping area, follow a guiding direction. Where many people are, there is a risk of great confusion. It is priority to follow the guidance from a guide.

? If you are in a mountainous area or near unstable slopes or cliffs, be alert for falling rocks and other debris and move to safe area.

 * Guidlines from Ministry of Public Safety and Security, Korea



  1. Keep in calm.
  2. Look for the security zones, previously delimited. If you are indoor, try to stand under the door´s frame.
  3. Keep away from windows, mirrors and glass objects that can break.
  4. Don´t support your body in the walls.
  5. Get away from stoves or any hot device.
  6. If you are inside a building, don’t use the elevator and the stairs.
  7. If you are driving, drive slowly to a place away from bridges and roads, and park the vehicle far from electric cables.
  8. In public places and that are full of people (theater, cinema, stadium, classrooms), don’t shout, don’t run, and go outside peacefully. If there is difficulty to go out, take a seat and put your arms on your head and put it between the knees. 


 Basic guidelines given by the National Commission of Emergencies of Costa Rica