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[Notice] The 1st PSPS Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2016.10.01 00:00
  • Views : 342


Dear PSPS students,


PSPS is going to hold the 1st PSPS Saemaul Spirit Korean Speech Contest on the 7th October 2016.


It will be held at the YU Songam Hall  from  2pm to 4:30pm.




***Where is YU Songam Hall?***

4th Floor, Mechanical Engineering Building. (confirm the attached map.)


If you don't know where it is, please come to the psps office 13:15pm on that day.

At 13:15, we will move together frome psps to the venue.


But if you want to go to the Songam Hall directly form your dormitory or home, you can find the banner in front of the mechanical engineering building. Please follow the banner's direction. You can find the venue easily. (Because there are many entrances. Follow the banner's direction.)


This contest is mandatory to the current students. Also, attend the contest and support the participants :)





Inquiry: Program Officer, Lee Hyewon.