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[Notification] The 4th Asian Legisalative Experts Symposium (Nov N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2016.10.27 09:27
  • Views : 346

All the studnets who applied for "The 4th Asian Legisalative Experts Symposium",

have to come to the PSPS office on 1st of November (Tue.) by 08:50 a.m.

(Be punctual !!)


◎ Dress Code: Formal

◎ Be polite and gentle at the venue.

◎ Breakfast & Lunch will not be provided.

◎ Sandwich will be provided. (You can have it as Lunch.) 

◎ Dinner will be provided (Buffet @ Hilton Hotel)

    * Please be note that it will be almost midnight when we come back to School.