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[Notification] International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activ N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2017.06.05 00:00
  • Views : 401

[Notification] International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity & Winter Olympic Conference in PyeongChang

Regarding the ISAPA (International Symposium of Adapted Physical Activity) 2017 on Monday 12. June & on Wednesday 14. June, we inform you of the schedules & notices about each event. 



1. Schedule  (attached above)


  a. Opening Ceremony(in Daegu): Monday 12 June


  b. Olympic Conference and Tour(in PyeongChang): Wednesday 14 June


   ** You should check the participants list on the bulletin board beside PSPS elevator. 

   ** This symposium is organized by other department. So, once registered, no cancellation is allowed. 



2. Dress Code:Business Casual  or  Casual




3. Do not forget that this is a part of an International Symposiun. You should be polite and gentle.  

    Also, during the events, be punctual and follow the instructions from organizers well




If you have further questions, please don`t hesitate to ask PSPS office.