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How to register Bank Account on URP system N

  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2018.03.08 00:00
  • Views : 636

Students need to register their bank account number and information on your URP system after you open a bank account.

Previously, students made an account holder's name in Korean so the office helped to register

because students cannot understand Korean word well.

But bank said that they can only make an account holder's name in English and you can register it by yourself.

The attached file is same as page 23 and 24 of the book handed out on orientation.

When you log in URP system, please go to Menu Information → Register Management →

Student bank account registration, then fill out your information on the bankbook.

We recommnend to register it by 16th, March (Fri) and please bring your bankbook so that

we can keep one copy of it.

If you fail to do it or have a problem, please come to see us with your bankbook.