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Alumni News


  • Writer PSPS
  • Date : 2018.03.12 10:39
  • Views : 1365

Siwar Aouadi works for an International Development British Consultancy firm (Aktis Strategy) in its North Africa's Office based in Tunisia.

For the past year, She has been working on two projects funded by the Canadian and the British Government to support the Tunisian government efforts in  Countering Terrorism and  Violent extremism.
Siwar is part of the company's team supporting and advising a cross-government body, part of the Tunisian Prime Minister's office, in Strategic planning and coordination by building the capacities of different ministries' officials.


Through the company, Siwar is also managing a project that aims to build the capacity of Tunisian government officials to efficiently and effectively coordinate CVE policies and programs; and to raise awareness of the CVE policies, programmes and coordination mechanisms with other stakeholders. This project would facilitate the development of a Tunisian community of practice for countering violent extremism (CVE), which brings together government and non-government institutions, promotes consensus and coordination on CVE interventions, shares information on CVE activities in Tunisia and provides capacity-building resources for CVE actors.


The picture is with the Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports along with the Canadian Government Programs representative in Tunisia.