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  • Writer 관리자
  • Date : 2022.05.09 14:14
  • Views : 1140

PSPS students participated in a seminar provided by the PSPS graduates on April 29th.

The seminar was conducted separately by two graduates.

Firstly, it was conducted by Arthur Rexford, a graduate of Ghana.

He applied a project that had won the second prize in the action plan contest to the local area.


Rexford presented how he incorporated the Saemaul theory that he had learned at Park Chung-hee Saemaeul Graduate School into practice. His project has significantly improved villagers’ income and quality of life.

Secondly, Thuzar Soe Htoo from Myanmar conducted a seminar.

She talked about her internship experience at PSPS and Gyeongsan City Hall, discussing Korean work culture.

Through this seminar, current students have learned how PSPS education is applied and utilized in reality.