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[국제교류팀] 호주 맥쿼리대학교 제공 "영어 이메일 작성법" 온라인 무료 특강 안내 N

  • 작성자 국제교류팀
  • 등록일 : 2020.10.20 11:03
  • 조회수 : 4195

국제교류팀에서 알려 드립니다.


우리 대학교와 학술교류협정을 체결한 호주 맥쿼리대학교(Macquarie University)에서 11월 13일 금요일 오후 4시에 한시간 짜리 무료 영어 강좌를 개설할 예정이오니, 영어 이메일 글쓰기에 관심있는 학생 및 교직원께서는 아래 링크로 참가신청을 해주시기 바랍니다. 


1. 주최 : 호주 맥쿼리대학교


2. 일시 : 2020.11.13(금) 16:00-17:00


3. 장소 : ZOOM(줌 화상강의)


4. 강좌개요

  가. 수강료 : 무료

  나. 강의시간 : 1시간

  다. 강의횟수 : 1회

  라. 주제 : 이메일 작문(Email Writing)

  마. 강사 : 알레한드라 바스케즈

  바. 어학레벨 : 무관

  사. 수강인원 : 무제한

  아. 참가자격 : 학생, 교원, 직원 모두 가능

  자. 강좌제목 : Become a more professional writer in todays business world


5. 수강신청 : 아래 링크 클릭



6. 수업개요(영문)

Here is brief information below about the English Master Class program and the teacher who will deliver the presentation;

Program Abstract:

Communication is a central part of every business. Therefore, for you to be successful in the 21st century, you need to have strong business writing skills. Good writing skills communicate professionalism and competency. At Macquarie University, we aim to develop your communication skills so that you can succeed in the business world. But how can you become a more professional writer? What kind of professional writing skills do you need? Join the English Language Centre Masterclass and find out.  

Together we will examine the main characteristics of professional writing in the context of email writing. During the session, you will learn how to write more effective emails that engage and inform the reader. You will also become more aware of common writing errors and understand how to avoid them. At the end of the Masterclass, you will be equipped with the writing tools you need to thrive in the modern workplace. 


Alejandra Vazquez has over 25 years’ teaching experience in Argentina and Australia. She is Senior Teacher Curriculum & Assessment at the Centre, where she has been working since 2001. During this time, she has taught on and developed a range of courses. Alejandra has vast experience in assessment development and has been an IELTS examiner since 2006. Alejandra holds a Master of Applied Linguistics in TESOL and has been a finalist of the VC L&T awards for her curriculum development work twice. 


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