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[장학] [장학] 유학생 단체 건강보험 가입 안내 Insurance Application OPEN N

  • 작성자 대학원
  • 등록일 : 2018.06.30 12:06
  • 조회수 : 2061

교육부와 우리대학의 관련 지침에 따라 모든 외국인 학생은 건강보험에 가입해야 합니다. 현재 우리학교과 계약중인 유학생 단체 건강보험이 201871일로 종료되고, 새로운 계약이 체결되었으므로 아래와 같이 연장하고 장학심사를 위해 가입 확인서류를 학과로 제출하여 주시기 바랍니다. 대리 가입 신청도 가능하며, 해외 체류중이라 가입이 불가능한 경우에는 한국으로 돌아오는 즉시 가입하고 가입서류를 대학원 행정실로 제출하여야 합니다.


According to the Ministry of Education and Yeungnam University guidelines, all the international students have to join the health insurance. As the term of the group health insurance contracted between YU and Dongbu Insurance expires as of 1st July 2018 and new contract has initiated, please kindly extend the term of your health insurance during the following period and submit the confirmation document to your Department Office for scholarship screen. You may ask your friend to join the insurance on behalf of you. In case of staying out of Korea, you may join right after coming back from vacation and submit document to Graduate School Office.  

기간 period

장소 place

72() Monday, July 2

~ 74() Wednesday, July 4, 2018

10:00am ~ 5:00pm (lunch time: 12:00pm~1:00pm)

국제교류센터 301(정문 옆 대구은행3)

#301, International Center

(3rd floor of Daegu Bank near main gate)

* 20188월에 졸업하는 학생은 831일까지 2개월 연장하면 됩니다.

* Students who will be graduating in August 2018, should also join the health insurance and the term of the contract will be two months between 1st July and 31st August 31, 2018.


비용 및 제출서류 Cost and Required Documents

비용 Cost : KRW 105,000 / 1year

2개월 가입 two months contract: 나이에 따라 다름 depends upon age


제출서류 What to bring: 보험료 Insurance fee (KRW 105,000), 외국인등록증 Alien Registration Card, 학생증 Student ID card


보험정보 Health Insurance Information

회사 Health Insurance Company: Dongbu Insurance

주요보장내용 Main Coverage

  - 상해사망장애 Death from an accident or disability resulting from an accident: up to KRW 100,000,000

  - 질병사망Death from illness: up to KRW 10,000,000

가입기간 Term of the contract: 1(1year)

* 20188월에 졸업하는 학생은 831일까지 2개월 연장하면 됩니다.

* Students who will be graduating in August 2018, should also join the health insurance and the term of the contract will be two months between July 1 and August 31, 2018.



외국인학생 단체접수계약에 따라 몇 개월 가입하는 것 보다 1년 가입 금액이 더 저렴할 수 있습니다. According to the group contract for all the international students of YU, one year cost can be cheaper than extending for several months.


국민건강보험이나 개인적으로 건강보험에 가입한 경우 보험증 사본을 학과사무실로 제출하세요.

If you have joined the National Health Insurance Service in Korea or any other health insurance valid for fall semester 2018, please submit a photocopy of the certificate to the department office.


Contacts: 010-2537-4495 (Dongbu Insurance) / 053-810-3754 (Graduate School Office)