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Current Producer in Master's Degree Program Wins 'Silver' at the Houston International Film Festival N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2014.04.28 16:16
  • Views : 9047
A TV Producer Yoon Chang-jun, studying for Masters degree in Multimedia Communications Engineering at YU wins ‘Big Award’. He directed a TV program focused on PTSD of survivors from the Daegu Subway Tragedy and their families.
[April 17, 2014]
 Yoon Chang-jun (44), a producer for Daegu MBC who is currently in his third term at the YU Graduate School of Multimedia Communications Engineering won the silver prize at the 47th Houston International Film Festival TV Program Sector (documentary).
 The Houston International Film Festival selects four finalists for each sector and gives platinum, gold, silver and bronze awards. Yoon became the first to make it to the finals among local broadcasters in the documentary sector and was awarded silver, which is third place overall. The awards was held in Houston, Texas in the United States on April 13.
 The award-winner was the 'Daegu MBC 50th Anniversary Special Medical Yakson - 0313 Story That Hasn't Ended' that was aired in February 2013. This was the first-ever TV documentary that focused on PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) suffered by survivors and families of those killed in the tragedy in the Daegu subway in February 18, 2003 from the perspective of public health.
 At the awarding ceremony, Yoon said, "I wanted us to confess and reflect on how much disinterest our society has shown on the gravity of the psychological pain suffered by survivors and families of those killed in natural or man-made disasters." He added, "Professors Jung Bong-gyo and Cho Hyeon-joo of the YU Department of Psychology told me that PTSD cannot be treated alone so psychological treatment must be provided immediately after disasters, which added to the significance of this documentary." Yoon also added, "Our society should show more interest in the psychological treatment and administration of survivors from the sinking of the Sewol and their families, as well as the families of those who were sacrificed in this tragic accident."
 The Houston International Film Festival boasts the third longest tradition and authority in North America following Canada's Banff TV Festival and America's New York TV Festival. Works by world-acclaimed directors such as Steven Spielberg and George Lucas received awards at this festival in the past.