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YU was selected as 1st Place in the ‘Master's Degree Program for Emerging Country Leaders' by KOICA. N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2014.04.15 15:43
  • Views : 9465
‘Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul’ can receive a total of 3.6 billion won in three years from KOICA.
[Apr 4, 2014]
 <Students and faculty of the YU Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul pose for a photo after morning cleaning on April 1. On the 1st of every month, they clean the school as the 'Saemaul Spirit Practice and Volunteer Day'.>
 YU (President Noh Seok-kyun) made another great achievement in international development cooperation and global Saemaul Undong.
 On the 21st, the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) announced that they selected the YU Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (dean Park Seung-woo) (hereinafter called 'Saemaul School' as the master's degree program institute for the 'leader and professor fostering project for regional development of emerging countries'. This selection was made through open competition and after cutting down to the final three graduate schools, the YU Saemaul School was assessed as first place.
 Accordingly, the YU Saemaul School will receive 1.2 billion won every year for three years for a total of 3.6 billion won (3 years 108 people) to education public officials, employees and faculty of emerging nations.
 The YU Saemaul School that received its first students in March 2012 provided full scholarships and a monthly allowance of 1 million won to students from emerging nations from Gyeongsangbuk-do, Saegu, and the National Forest Service Green Project Team. Scholarships increased from various institutional organizations to educate close to 100 international students from emerging nations. With this new scholarship from KOICA, the YU Saemaul School will be able to provide the opportunity to learn and share the development experience of Korea without worrying about tuition to about 130 students from emerging countries every year.
 Director of the International Development Cooperation Center Choi Oe Chool, who is in charge of YU's international development projects, said, "By receiving a considerable scholarship by being assessed for our educational capacities by KOICA, the YU Saemaul School has now become a central education institute for fostering human resources of emerging nations for the purpose of eradicating poverty in emerging nations and for development cooperation."
 YU Saemaul School Dean Park Seung-woo, who is the supervisor of this project, stated, "This is an exciting achievement in which the accomplishments of our graduate school for the past two years have been officially recognized nationwide." He also added, "We will do our best to properly teach the Saemaul Undong and spirit to the excellent human resources from emerging countries though KOICA's consigned education program. Furthermore, we will strive to become Korea's top educational institute for contributing to the eradication of absolute poverty in the world."
 Meanwhile, YU was selected as an 'international cooperation leading university' from the Ministry of Education in June 2013. Accordingly, it received 1.6 billion won in national funding and is pursuing the establishment of the 'Saemaul Department' in local universities in the Philippines. YU is also actively pursuing Saemaul Undong localization projects and expert fostering projects in emerging countries such as Cambodia and Vietnam.