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3rd International Youth Forum on Historical Reconciliation in East Asia N

-          To promote historical dialogue among the youth in East Asia and beyond
-          To encourage the youth to share ideas and inspiration on historical issues
-          To enable the youth to mutually understand and collaborate to promote peace at the global, regional, and national levels
Date & Venue
-          17 to 21 August 2014 / Seoul Youth Hostel, Seoul, Korea
-          30 individuals between the ages of 18 and 30
-          Priority will be given to individuals directly involved in historical reconciliation activities in their respective countries.
-          Participants should be proficient in English in order to give presentations and partake in discussions.
Organizer/ Sponsor
-          Korean National Commission for UNESCO (KNCU) / Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea
Main Theme
-          New Understanding of History in East Asia: From the History of Conflicts to the History of Shared Understanding
ü  Sub-theme 1: Political Utilization of History and Deepened Historical Conflicts
ü  Sub-theme 2: Interaction, Exchange, and Cooperation in East Asian History
ü  Sub-theme 3: The Role of Youth for Shared Understanding of History in East Asia

-          Open lectures will be provided by three renowned experts below to make help participants and the general public to outline the themes to be considered during the forum:
ü  Miyajima Hiroshi (Professor, Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea)
ü  Sin Ju-Baek (Professor, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)
ü  Filomeno V. Aguilar (Professor, Ateneo de Manila University, the Philippines)
-          18 August: Interpretation will be provided simultaneously in Korean and English.
-          19-21 August: English only
Financial Arrangements
-          No participation fees are required. Food, accommodation, and local transportation during the forum will be provided. Please note that each room will be shared by 6-10 participants during the forum.
-          Traveling costs will be borne by individuals. (KNCU is only able to offer a limited number of scholarships to selected candidates from least developed countries or for speakers upon request.)
-          All applicants must complete the Application Form and return it to KNCU by e-mail at history@unesco.or.kr NO LATER THAN 30 June 2014. (KNCU will notify the selected participants regarding its decision by 8 July 2013 via E-mail.)
-          A certificate of attendance will be awarded by KNCU to participants who satisfactorily complete the forum.
Preparatory Work
-          Participants are asked to submit an essay on each sub-theme. Based on the essays, participants will be giving a 5-10 minute presentation on the first day of the forum.
-          Essays must be 700 words or LESS per sub-theme in English and sent via e-mail to history@unesco.or.kr by 4 August 2013. (Detailed information will be provided to selected participants.)
-          The essays should be original, and include discussion of: (1) the current situation and difficulties related to the given theme and (2) suggestions or recommendations from the youth perspectives with regard to the theme.
-          Contact: Sciences Team
Korean National Commission for UNESCO
CPO Box 64, Seoul, Korea
Tel: 82-2-6958-4137
Fax: 82-2-6958-4252