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Former Supreme Court Judge Cha Han-seong Appointed as Named Endowed Chair Professor of Law School N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2014.04.28 16:12
  • Views : 9402
Led the protection of basic rights during his service as a Supreme Court judge with rulings such as the unconstitutionality of 'Emergency Measure 1'
Passed 17th bar exam (7th Judicial Research and Training Institute), appointed as Supreme Court judge in 2008
[April 14, 2014]
 YU (President Noh Seok-kyun) appointed Former Supreme Court Judge Cha Han-seong (60, right on photo) as a named endowed chair professor. His tenure will be from April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015.
 Chair Professor Cha Han-seong graduated from Gyeongbuk High School and Seoul National University Law School and began his public career with the 17th bar exam (7th Judicial Research and Training Institute). He first served as a judge at the Seoul Civil District Court in 1980, and then a professor at the Judicial Research and Training Institute, Court Administration Office Construction Director, Daegu High Court Deputy Judge, Seoul High Court Deputy Judge, Director of the Cheongju District Court, and the Vice Minister of the Court Administration Ministry. He was appointed as a Supreme Court judge in 2998 and served as the director of the Court Administration Ministry from 2011 and finally retired from being a judge for 34 years on March 3.
 Named endowed chair professor Cha, who protected the basic rights of the people by taking the initiative to make a unanimous ruling in October 2010 that 'Emergency Measure 1' is unconstitutional while he was serving as a Supreme Court Judge, said, "I hope that my 34 year experience as a judiciary will contribute to the YU Law School that is specialized in public interest and human rights, and I will do my best to help my juniors to develop into admirable judiciaries."
 At the appointing ceremony, YU President Noh Seok-kyun said, "It is an honor to appoint a respected judge who has set an example in practicing law and improving the basic rights and human rights of citizens as a chair professor at our university." He added, "Former Supreme Court Judge Cha's experience and background will not only help improve the academic and practical capacities of future judiciaries, but also help perfect them as people as well."
 Professor Cha replied, "I am happy and honored to be able to be part of the prestigious university of YU." He added, "I spent my high school years in Daegu and served as a judge for six years in Daegu. Daegu is like my second home and I am thankful to have the opportunity to do something for my new home."
 Meanwhile, following Professor Cha's appointment ceremony, at 1:30 p.m. Professor Cha gave his first lecture in the form of a special lecture to Law School Students under the theme 'Interpretation of Law and Case Studies' at the Law School Room 206. Professor Cha is planning to hold special lectures once or twice a month on judiciary ethics education.