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Korea's power leaders gathered at their alta mater, YU! N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2014.04.15 15:45
  • Views : 9082
100 plus power YU alumni spent 2 days at YU.
Power leaders in various sectors such as former Minister Jeon Jae-hee, National Assemblyman Kim Gwang-rim, Woori Bank Senior Vice-president Lee Dong-geon, Samil Price Waterhouse Coopers CEO Park Soo-hwan, Movie Director Cho Jin-gyu, etc. had pleasant times with their college Juniors and encouraged them.
[Apr 7, 2014]
 'Power leaders' who are leading Korea gathered at YU (President Noh Seok-kyun)
 At 12:30 p.m. on the 4th, over 100 alumni currently in the finance and economic sectors including Ilshin Electronics CEO Yoon Sang-hyeon (64, Commerce '69) who is the chairperson of the Finance Alumni Association, visited YU for two days. This is the fourth year that YU alumni in the finance sector are visiting since 2011.

 Former Minister of Health and Welfare Jeon Jae-hee (64, Public Administration '68), National Assemblyman Kim Sang-hoon (51, Law '82), CEO of Samil Price Waterhouse Coopers CEO Park Soo-hwan (58, Economics '75), Woori Bank Senior Vice-president Lee Dong-geon (56, Business Administration '76), Movie Director Cho Jin-gyu (53, Painting, '80) and other key figures in government, finance, arts and other sectors took the time from their busy schedules to gather at their old school.
 Finance Alumni Association Chairman Yoon Sang-hyeon, who visited YU every year since 2011 said, "I wasn't able to sleep because of the excitement of being able to visit my school and meeting my juniors," and added, "Though we have left the school, our hearts still hope for the best for our mother school and juniors."
 YU held a welcoming event and luncheon for the alumni who spared their time for junior students, and YU President Noh Seok-kyun, professors, and the student government president visited the event to express their gratitude.
 In his welcoming address, YU President Noh Seok-kyun said, "Students are proud of their senior alumni serving as leaders in different parts of our society," and added, "I trust the students will follow suit of their seniors and become leaders of Korea."
 Meetings with juniors in different departments were held following the welcoming luncheon. The alumni in the finance sector visited their school for the first time in a long time to talk with their students at their old campus and to give their advice and encouragement to juniors as senior alumni and social leaders.
 On the second day, a free dialogue-type exchange event and a Q&A session between the alumni and current students were held at the YU Law School Room 206 under the title, "Talking with heroes. Passionate talk! One question to change the future."
 Meanwhile, since its inauguration in March 1971, the YU Finance Alumni Association has been very active with over 40,000 members.