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YU Takes Charge of Next-Generation Global Leader Communication! N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2014.11.14 15:04
  • Views : 8771
Responsible for event including interpretation at the 'International Gold Event' held for the first time in Korea
11 night and 12 day event with 120 next-generation leaders from 38 countries
Taking the lead in uplifting the prestige of Korea as global communication experts
[October 22, 2014]
“The job of interpreters is not to simply help with the event. I think that their job is to make happy memories with global leaders and give good impressions of Korea as civil diplomats. I will take this mission to heart in this event."
YU Department of English Language & Literature Senior Han Hyun-joo (22), who is close to her graduation, will be in charge of communication for next-generational global leaders at the '2014 International Gold Event'. She studied at the University of Nebraska for one year since the second semester of last year and she is resolved to play her role in raising the prestige of Korea at a festival of next-generation global leaders that will be held in Korea for the first time by using what she learned in her major field of study. From June 15 to 20, she interpreted at the '2014 World Hydrogen Energy Conference' in Gwangju and the '12th Convention on Biological Diversity Conference' held in Pyeongchang of Gangwon-do from September 29 to October 17. She is thus taking steps in achieving her dream as a global communication expert.
Thirteen YU students including Han will act as interpreters at the '2014 International Gold Event' that will be held at the National Youth Center of Korea at Cheonan, Chungnam and the Seoul Novotel Hotel from the 22nd until November 2. Their mission will is to be simultaneous interpreters, as well as coordinators who will guide participants. As their job is very important, YU and the Korea Youth Work Agency selected 13 special members through one-on-one interviews in October.
Kim Hong-il (21), a junior at the YU Department of Political Science & Diplomacy was also selected as an interpreter. He has experience as an interpreter at the '10th Busan Choral Festival & Competition' and the '2014 Nakdong River International Water Week', and will also be participating in the 'World Technopolis Association (WTA) International Event' that will be held in Daejeon in November. He said, "As this is a large-scale event joined by next-generation leaders of various countries, I hope that I will be able to become a more mature person by sharing various experiences and thoughts and communicating with each other. Furthermore, it will be a great opportunity to give a good impression of Korea to the world."
The 'International Gold Event' is a festival of next-generation global leaders made by the Duke of Edinburgh who made the International Youth Award Program. Youths between the ages of 14 to 25 are awarded at the International Youth Award Program with gold, silver or bronze medals. Youths who were awarded gold medals gather together from around the world for continuous networking and to raise their leadership. After the first event that was held in Canada in 1967, this event was held every three  years in 13 different countries so far.
The '2014 International Gold Event' is sponsored by The International Award Association and hosted by the Korea Youth Work Agency (Director Kim Sun-dong), which is the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Korea office. Minister of Gender Equality and Family Kim Hee-jung, Korea Youth Work Agency Director Kim Sun-dong, and British Ambassador to Korea Scott Wightman will attend to encourage the participants.
This year, over 200 next-generation global leaders gathered including 120 youths who won the gold from 38 countries and 13 YU students. They will eat and sleep together for 11 nights and 12 days to share various experiences such as leadership training, next-generation leader forum, election of youth committees, and cultural exchange and networking. In particular, they will elect youth committee members to represent the four regions of Asia Pacific, Europe/Mediterranean/Arab, America and Africa. The elected youth committee members will attend regular International Youth Award Committee meetings to speak on behalf of youths for a three-year term.