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Korean-American Don Lee, YU Alumnus, Receives Honorary PhD N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2014.11.11 18:22
  • Views : 8766
Founder of Active U.S.A Inc. that has topped the fashion industry in LA and reshuffled the industry focusing on Korean Americans
Founded the alumni association in the US and served as its first chairman
First overseas YU alumni to receive the 'Proud YU Alumni Award'
Selected in the '100 People of 100 Years of Immigration to the US' by the Maeil Business News
[October 16, 2014]
YU (President Noh Seok-kyun) gave an honorary PhD to CEO of Active USA Inc., Don Lee (60), who is a YU alumnus and a successful entrepeneur. The diploma ceremony was held at the third floor of the YU Cheonma Art Center Chamber Hall at 4 p.m. on the 16th.
At the ceremony, YU General Alumni Association Chairman and Gyeongsangbuk-do Governor Kim Kwan-yong (Economics class of 65), Saenuri Party Floor Leader Lee Wan-gu, Saenuri Party Policy Committee Chairman Joo Ho-young (Law class of 78), International Rotary Club Chairman Lee Dong-geon, General Alumni Association Senior Vice Chairman Kim Moon-gi (Commerce class of 64), Daegu Superintendent of Education Woo Dong-gi (Public Administration class of 72), and YU Alumni Association of the US Chairman Kim Byeong-tak (Economics class of 66), visited among the 200 plus alumni and 15 VIPs from the United States.
In his congratulatory address, YU President Noh Seok-kyun said, "Chairman Don Lee who overcame several crises in a foreign land to make a legendary success story through undying willpower is a proud alumnus of YU and a respected global CEO." He added, "I hope that Chairman Lee's business philosophy and love for his alma mater will be continued by his junior alumni. I am very happy to be able to give this honorary PhD in business under the name of YU."
66.jpgDr. Lee, who is from the YU School of Architecture class of 73, moved to LA in 1986 and founded and ran a clothing fashion company called Active USA Inc. In 1992, his company was laid to ruins due to the LA riots, but he was able to bounce back thanks to his good reputation and diligence. Active USA Inc. has now grown into a leading company in LA's fashion industry.
Furthermore, in 1994 Dr. Lee participated in the founding of the San Pedro Wholesale Mart Association and is currently serving as its chairman. The San Pedro Wholesale Association played a big role in shifting the center of power of LA's clothing fashion industry from the Jews to Korean immigrants.
Dr. Lee is a successful businessman in terms of business diversification. After the LA riots, he entered the banking industry and served as the biggest shareholder and chairman of the board for Saehan Bank and normalized the bank after leading several capital increases after the Lehman Brothers incident in 2008. He also merged with Wilshire Bank to minimize losses for the Korean community.
66.jpgIn 2002, he championed the founding of the fourth US alumni association among Korean universities and served as its first chairperson. He has also carried out scholarship programs for his juniors from YU studying in the United States showing his love for his alma mater even while abroad. Through the alumni association scholarship foundation and scholarships to YU, he donated the most amount of money among the 200,000 alumni and he is also sponsoring overseas internship programs to help his juniors strengthen their global capacities. Thanks to his support, about 70 YU students are currently working in companies in LA.
In light of such contributions, Dr. Lee received the 'Proud YU Alumni Award' from the general alumni association in 2006 for the first time as a YU alumnus living abroad. Maeil Business Newspaper listed him in the '100 People of 100 Years of Immigration to the United States' in 2003 as a successful Korean-American businessman. Furthermore, Daegu MBC also covered Dr. Lee in the first episode of its 30th year anniversary show, '100 Years of Immigration to the US, People Who Made Daegu/Gyeongbuk Shine'.