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Professor NAM Seung-yeop of Department of Department of Information and Communication Engineering received “Best Paper A N

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  • Date : 2023.03.08 10:35
  • Publication Date : 2023.02.24
  • Views : 7438

Performance in the study on blockchain structure to enhance communication network message network among vehicles

Increased importance of communication and message credibility among vehicles before the era of self-driving cars

Over 200 paper citations in a short period of time... Great interest in academic and industrial societies

[February 24, 2023]


Professor NAM Seung-yeop of Department of YU Department of Information and Communication Engineering (photo above) received “Best Paper Award” of Digital Communications and Networks (IF 6.438), an internationally renowned journal.

 The thesis of Professor NAM is “A new type of blockchain for secure message exchange in VANET (Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork).” He made the performance through a study on new blockchain structure for safe sharing of communication network messages among vehicles.

 Professor NAM said, “Probability of false credibility of own or other nodes (network connection points) with use of immutability of blockchains. Also, it was confirmed that credibility of vehicles and credibility of messages among vehicles may be stably managed by overcoming node credibility inconsistency in traditional distributed-credibility sharing type.”

 It is expected that the credibility of messages among vehicles and credibility of vehicles transmitting messages will become more important before the era of self-driving cars. The thesis of Professor NAM attracted large interest from academic and industrial societies with more than 200 citations based on Google Scholar as of 2023 February.

 Dr. Rakesh Shrestha, who received doctorate degree from Professor NAM’s Office and worked as a postdoctoral researcher, participated as the first author and Professor NAM participated as the corresponding author. Dr. Rakesh is now conducting a study in IoT Security area in RISE Institute, Sweden, and Professor NAM is conducting “A study on application of blockchain in vehicle network” (Mid-level researcher support project) and “A study on ultra-stability of future mobility” (University-focused research institute support project) with the support by National Research Foundation of Korea.