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Department of Computer Engineering 'Cradle for National White Hackers' N

  • Writer yu
  • Date : 2015.03.25 09:20
  • Views : 8606
‘@Xpert’ club 'official' next-generation security leaders
Top 10 in Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning and Korean Information Technology Research Institute 'BoB Program'
Cornerstone to enter information and security sectors such as the Korea Internet and Security Agency and the Financial Security Agency

<Winning students and advisor of the next-generation security leader fostering program 'BoB 3' course>
 (from left to right - Kim Hyun-woo, Professor Lee Gi-dong, Moon Seok-joo)

YU (President Noh Seok-kyun) was recognized as a cradle for national white hackers.
 Students of the Department of Computer Engineering (Dean Lee Gi-dong) participated in 'BoB (Best of the Best) 3', a next-generation security leader fostering program hosted by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (Minister Choi Yang-hee) and sponsored by the Korean Information Technology Research Institute (Director Yoo Joon-sang) and unveiled their talents as white hackers who can later be national treasures.
 The winners were Moon Seok-joo (24) and Kim Hyun-woo (23), both seniors in the Department of Computer Engineering. In the 'BoB 3 certification ceremony' held at Samjeong Hotel in Yeoksam-dong of Seoul on the 12th, Kim Hyun-woo was selected in the final top 10 and received a plaque and cash prize of 20 million won, while Moon Seok-joo was ranked in the top 31 to also win an award as they displayed their skills and capabilities as white hackers.
 This third BoB course that first began in 2012 was joined by 1,080 contestants including high school and college students majoring in computer and information security around the nation, and engaged in the fiercest competition yet. Participants turned in their applications to joint the program in May and participated in lectures, lab work and team activities for approximately eight months and carried out projects to solve difficult information security problems together with current security experts as their mentors.
 Of the 1,080 applicants, 130 were chosen as the third BoB program trainees after taking tests and going to interviews. They then worked on education and projects through group education and training for six months. After evaluating team and individual activities, as well as education course evaluations for the six month education period, the top 31 students were selected in December of last year. In the final two months, they used the knowledge the gained during the education to face off in a final competition after completing projects and advanced courses. In result, Kim Hyun-woo was placed in the final top 10 for his advanced project on finding weaknesses in national infrastructure such as subways and its security measures. Moon Seok-joo was not chosen in the final top 10, but was recognized for his creativity in projects and capacities in the information security sector and was awarded as well.
 Kim Hyun-woo said, "Going to study groups with friends from my department club helped a lot," and added, "I received a lot while engaging in club activities so I would like to return some of the 20 million won cash prize to my junior students," as he thanked members of his academic club.

<Department of Computer Engineering '@Xpert' Club and Advisor Lee Gi-dong>
 Just as what Kim said, their skills were the result of not only their major as computer engineering students, but also through the information security club @Xpert that the department operates. Kim Hyun-woo and Moon Seok-joo, and one more student placed their names on the 130 student list of the 3rd BoB program. The BoB program is the top educational program joined by current prominent security experts and funded 100% by the government, so just being selected in this program is equivalent to be recognized for one's potential.
 @Xpert club is an academic club of the YU Department of Engineering voluntarily founded in September of 2005 by students who were interested in hacking and information security. Unlike other college clubs, the passion for research of students is as high as any other academic research organization. There is also a high level of interest among freshmen in information security so over 30 students knock on the doors to the club every year. However, because this club requires considerable levels of expertise and study capacities, only 20% continue with club activities. Kim Hyun-woo, who was placed in the top 10 in the 3rd BoB program, was also the 9th president of the club.
  Professor Lee Gi-dong (52), who is the advisor of the @Xpert club, said, "There are many places to use knowledge in the fields of information technology and security, so club activities naturally lead to employment. In addition to large conglomerates, many of the students who graduated joined specialized fields with the Korea Internet & Security Agency and the Financial Security Agency." He added, "I am very proud of the students who land good jobs or go on to study further at graduate schools as they choose their own career paths and strengthen their capacities and competitiveness."