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Teaching 'Wisdom of Life' through Humanities! N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2015.03.11 09:42
  • Views : 8522
<Premium humanities lecture 'Humanities for 20 Year Olds - Asking the Way to Youths' opened on 3rd.>

The YU Cheonma Art Center Chamber Hall was filled with students gathered to sit in for a humanities lecture on the 3rd. They came to attend the premium humanities lecture offered by YU from the first semester of 2015, 'Humanities for 20 Year Olds - Asking the Way to Youths'.

'Humanities for 20 Year Olds - Asking the Way to Youths' is a 3 hour regular curriculum course (3 credits) from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. every Tuesday beginning on the 3rd. Despite being in its first year, the 500 capacity lecture was filled as soon as applications started, showing the hot interest of students. Due to the large capacity of 500 students, lectures will be held at the Cheonma Art Center instead of regular lecture rooms.

This lecture organized by Professor of Philosophy Choi Jae-mok was provided so that students can ask what is the right creative and hopeful path for them during their youth where they think about many things by listening to the advice and interacting with prominent figures in humanities. This lecture course, which kicked off under the theme, 'Humanities of 20 Year Olds, What to Listen to and Think about?', will be conducted as a 13 week marathon course of key figures in humanities from various fields every week. It is very rare for a regular relay lecture to be offered in regional colleges jointed by prominent scholars and humanities scholars famous for public lectures and books.
Jeon Seung-yong (23, senior in the Department of Food Resource Economics) said, "I heard a lot about the importance of humanities and was highly interested in it, but I did not have many opportunities to actually listen to the lectures," and added, "I am very excited that I will be able to listen to the lectures of very famous humanities lecturers and be able to speak with them for a semester."

Lecturers participating in the course were organized of prominent speakers and college professors selected through a student survey last year. They are the philosopher Kang Shin-joo, journalist Hong Se-hwa famous for the book 'I am a taxi driver of Paris', Woosuk University Professor Ahn Do-hyun, YU Professor of Education Park Cheol-hong, Academy of Korean Studies Professor Han Hyeong-jo, writer and literature critic Goh Mi-sook, Dosan Seowon Classical Scholar Culture Training Center President Kim Byeong-il, Rural Doctor Park Gyeong-cheol, Sungkyunkwan University Professor Shin Jeong-geun, YU Liberal Arts Professor Park Hong-gyu, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Professor Lee Yong-joo, and Seogang University Professor of Philosophy Choi Jin-seok. On the first day of the lecture on the 3rd, YU President Noh Seok-kyun took the podium to emphasize to students the importance of humanities.   
This lecture is scheduled to be a public lecture in which the general public can also attend. It is therefore expected to quench the thirst for humanities among students and local residents who are eager to attend lectures by celebrity lecturers, while also expanding the base for humanities in the region.
Professor Choi Jae-mok, who organized the lecture course, said, "This will be a time for students to be able to ponder about topics that twenty-year-olds are in dire need of such as why and for what people have to live, how one should live, why we need to make money and what kind of job we must have, what is a successful life, why humans should be ethical, is there hope for us, and how to overcome our times of thoughtless wandering." He added, "By listening to the lecture and through question and answer sessions, students will be able to improve their creative abilities for searching and pioneering their own paths."