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Math and Computer Research Power 41st in the World, First in Korea N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2015.06.08 13:51
  • Views : 7678
‘2015 Leiden Ranking’ Citation Frequency in Top 10% Studies, Fifth in Asia
Only Korean university to be in the world’s top 100
18th place overall in Korea proving its excellent research capacities
Assessment on research performance and quality while excluding qualitative elements such as university reputation, etc
[June 4, 2015]
  YU (President Noh Seok-kyun) was placed 41st in the world in the math and computer sectors in the ‘2015 Leiden Ranking’ that assesses the qualitative level of theses. YU was the only Korean university to be placed in the top 100 of the rankings.
 ’Leiden Ranking’ is a ranking based on citations of theses that exclude subjective qualitative assessment elements such as college reputation by the Leiden University Center for Science and Technology Studies of the Netherlands, and it is an important index to estimate the research performance and quality of college professors.
 Theses for the past four years were analyzed using the DB of Thomson Reuters, an academic information service company, and announced since 2011. Until 2013, the rankings of the top 500 universities were announced, but from last year, it has expanded to 750.
 This year’s ‘Leiden Ranking’ was announced focusing on the rate of the top 10% theses cited the most in the world among universities that published 1,000 or more international papers for four years from 2010 to 2013. It also announced the top 1% and top 50% theses citation rates for the first time this year as well.

 The Leiden Ranking is published in a total of six fields such as overall ranking, social science, natural science and engineering, medicine, math and computer, and bio and earth science.

 YU became the only university in Korea to be ranked in the top 100 in all areas in the top 10% cited theses ratio in the math and computer sector being placed 41st in the world, 5th in Asia and first in Korea. YU took 40th place in the world in the 2012 match sector in the British QS world college evaluation, thus being continuously recognized for its research power from global university evaluation institutes.
 In addition, YU was recorded as 18th place in the top 10% and 19th in the top 1% citation frequency in the domestic university ranking for the overall sector, and also took 6th place (top 10% citation frequency) in the bio and earth science sectors begin officially recognized for its qualitative excellence in research.