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"YU is Rooting for You, Nepal!“ N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2015.06.08 13:38
  • Views : 8133
Faculty and students roll up their sleeves to help victims of the Nepal earthquake
Donation drives all around the campus and joined by international students as well
Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul students hold charity bazaar
22 million won in donations handed over to the Ambassador of Nepal
[May 19, 2015]
 “YU is rooting for you, Nepal. Keep your head up!”
 Charity activities to help victims of the earthquake in Nepal were held all around the YU (President Noh Seok-kyun) campus.

 Faculty donated parts of their wages to help victims of the Nepal earthquake and gathered 15 million won. Also, the student body (Chairperson Kim Soo-hyun) also held charity drives all around campus from the 8th to the 13th. 
 Choi Min-seok (YU Graduate School of Business Administration, 1st semester), who donated money he saved up to use for his next tuition, said, “After hearing about the earthquake in Nepal, I felt so bad and wanted to help in any way I could. The student body said that they were holding charity drives so I did not hesitate to make the donation.” He added, “I want to ask more people to participate in the donations so that could we help the people of Nepal.”

 Meanwhile, international students studying at YU also participated to help the people of Nepal. The Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul also held a charity bazaar on the 6th. These students sold their goods such as clothes and bags to other students and donated all proceeds to victims of the earthquake.
<International Students of the Park Chung Hee School of Policy and 
Saemaul held a bazaar to gather donations for victims of the Nepal earthquake.>
 International students and professors from Nepal studying at YU also held charity drives on campus to help victims of the earthquake in their country. 36 people including professors and international students from Nepal such as Anup Shrestha (27, 3rd term in master’s degree course in pharmacology), a graduate school student at YU, made donation boxes and stood in front of the YU Central Library in the morning of the 1st.

 As the vice-chair of the ‘Korea Nepal Student Association’ and the chairperson of the Daegu-Gyeongbuk chapter, Shrestha said, “After hearing news about the earthquake in my home country, I was very sad as a student from Nepal.” She added, “Since it is difficult to help directly as I am studying in Korea, I decided to participate in this charity drive. I hope that the Korean people will show a lot of interest in the earthquake victims of Nepal.”
  In addition to the international students from Nepal, the YU International Student Support Team faculty also helped with the students’ charity drive. In particular, five of the 31 students from Nepal at YU who participated in the charity drive were from Katmandu, the capital of Nepal. One of the students lost his grandfather to the earthquake, but overcame his sorrows and actively took part in the charity activities.

 In addition the street charity activities, the Nepalese international students are planning to conduct online donation activities through various SNS such as Facebook and Twitter, while also continuously gathering relief goods and sending them to Nepal to help with restorations and the victims.
 YU handed over donations of 22 million won gathered by faculty and students to the embassy of Nepal in Korea on the 15th.