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US Wharton School Recognizes YU's 'E-Learning' N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2015.05.06 16:08
  • Views : 8833
US Wharton School-UK QS joint education innovation award gives 3rd place in world for e-learning
Ranks up to 3rd place in 8 sectors, YU only Korean university to be listed
First in Korea to begin mobile learning in 2011, and over 160,000 students earned credits from 95 universities
Providing innovative e-learning with two-way communication, realized goal of lifelong education
YU (President Noh Seok-kyun) was recognized for its excellence in 'e-learning' from the world's most prestigious MBA, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
 YU was ranked third in the e-learning sector by the ‘The Wharton-QS Stars Reimagine Education Awards 2014’ co-hosted by the Wharton School of the United States and QS, a global university evaluation institute based in England.
 This evaluation and awarding event was conducted for the first time for universities around the world to resolve issues with increased expenses for traditional teaching methods, while also substituting new educational demands. Judges included professors from major universities around the world including Columbia University of the US, University of London of England, University of Waterloo of Canada, University of Coimbra of Portugal, IE University of Spain, University of New South Wales of Australia, National University of Singapore, and the University of Hong Kong, as well as experts from global companies such as Google, Inc., Amazon Web Services, and The Palmer Group. 
 In result, universities selected as excellent education innovation cases in a total of eight sectors including e-learning and hybrid learning were ranked up to the top three and announced in its official homepage (http://www.reimagine-education.com). YU was the only Korean university to be selected and it received international recognition for the excellence of its education innovation.
 According to this, YU was selected as the third in the world in the e-learning sector. Tied for first place were National Taiwan University and University of Colorado, Boulder, while second place went to Purdue University of the United States.

In the hybrid learning sector that combines online and offline education, first place went to the University of Utah in the US, while Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology tied for second, while Harvard Medical School was placed third. In the presence learning sector, McMaster University of Canada, Tsinghua University of China, and East Carolina University of the US took first, second and third places, respectively, showing that these world acclaimed universities are leading education innovation. 

 YU was the first in Korea to begin mobile learning services using smart phones in Korea. In the past three years, a total of 958 classes were offered, and 160,355 students in a total of 95 colleges were analyzed to have taken classes according to the credit swap program. Furthermore, 78% of all YU students were found to be currently taking mobile-based e-learning or blended learning.

 In particular, YU currently offers 120 open courses in KOCW (Korea Open Courseware) and is contributing in realizing the goal of lifelong education. Considering that on average, the 152 universities of Korea that offer KOWC offer 33 classes each, it is a very high number.

 Also, YU introduced the mobile-based LMS (Learning Management System) and offers educational services through the smart phone to both enrolled students and graduates. In particular, the implementation of LMS made possible two-way communication between the professor and student, and it was thus judged to have solved the problem with lack of communication for online classes. 

 As such achievements of YU became known, universities around the world started showing interest. For example, Taylor's University of Malaysia offered airfare and lodging to invite YU personnel in order to hold a seminar on future education on the 8th of next month.

 On this, YU President Noh Seok-kyun said, "The development of technology is bringing about innovation in the educational field as well," and added, "As an age of studying, debating and reviewing anywhere, anytime has opened before us, true lifelong education will become possible."