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Recruiting Talents from Emerging Countries to Foster ‘Saemaul Leaders’! N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2015.05.06 16:27
  • Views : 9741
Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul holds invitational seminar of diplomats to Korea
High interest with participation of diplomats including 24 ambassadors to Korea
YU "We will lead the co-prosperity of the global community by fostering global Saemaul leaders"


<The Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul held an invitational seminar with diplomats in Korea for the fostering of global Saemaul leaders.> (23rd, Seoul Korea Press Center)
 YU is concentrating on attracting outstanding talents of emerging countries to foster them into global Saemaul leaders.
 On the 23rd, the Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul (Dean Park Seung-woo) invited foreign diplomats in Korea to the Seoul Korea Press Center and held a seminar. A total of 25 diplomatic envoys in Korea from 24 countries including the ambassadors of Nicaragua, Sierra Leone, Angola, Cambodia, Tunisia, Papa New Guinea, and Fiji attended showing a great deal of interest in fostering Saemaul leaders for their countries.
 YU Vice President Choi Wae-chul (International Development Cooperation Center Director) who oversees YU's international development and cooperation projects also attended this seminar. Mr. Choi gave a welcoming address saying, "YU will share Korea's development experience and knowhow in the Saemaul Undong to help resolve the global poverty issue," and added, "We will do our best in fostering talents for the development of Saemaul for the regional development of emerging countries."
 At this seminar, information was provided on the founding purpose, offered departments, faculty, educational facilities and dormitories, scholarship programs, and graduate student activities of the Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul. As if to reflect the high interest of emerging countries on the Saemaul Undong, questions and answers were exchanged throughout the entire seminar.
 In particular, 11 international students at the Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul attended the seminar as well to share the advantages of the Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul that they felt as students of the science of Saemaul, and received a great deal of interest and applause from ambassadors and personnel from emerging countries. Through one-on-one meetings with students from their home countries, diplomats in attendance had the opportunity to listen to the Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul's outstanding faculty, quality of student support, and advantages in forming global networks through the mouths of students.
 Dean Park Seung-woo said, "We held this seminar to request cooperation to attract talented minds to our school, while also to solidify a continuous and friendly partnership with emerging countries," and added, "The Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul will continue to fulfill its role as a specialized educational institute in fostering experts for economical and social development based on the Saemaul Undong in order to contribute in the overcoming of poverty in the international community and for the joint prosperity of the global community."

 The Park Chung Hee School of Policy and Saemaul was founded in 2011 to share the successful social and economical development and Saemaul Undong experiences of Korea and to foster global Saemaul leaders for emerging countries. As of now, 258 international students from 52 countries came to YU to learn the 'Saemaul Science', and as of the first semester of 2015, over 160 international students from 42 countries are learning 'Saemaul Science' and about Korea's development experiences. Furthermore, in response to the continuous requests for education on Saemaul Undong from underdeveloped countries, YU also established the International Development Cooperation Center in 2013. As of now, 1,669 public officials and leaders from 39 countries received training on the Saemaul Undong, urban and regional development theories, and practices, and have returned to their home countries to utilize them in developing policies.