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YU Labs Receive Government Certification for ‘Excellent Safety Management’ N

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  • Date : 2015.11.18 10:38
  • Views : 7873
Energy and Materials Engineering Lab (Professor Ryu Shi-ok) and Physics and Chemistry Lab (Professor Kim Seok-kyu)
Plaque bestowed by the Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning
Kim Young-soo of the Environment Facility Team receives medal for ‘Outstanding Manager for Safe Lab Environment’
[November 11, 2015]
영남대 소속 연구실 2곳이 미래창조과학부로부터 ‘안전관리 우수연구실’로 선정됐다. 2.jpg
  Two labs at YU (President Noh Seok-kyun) were selected as the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning’s (Minister Choi Yang-hee, hereinafter ‘MSIP’) ‘Excellent Safety Management Lab’.

 At the ‘9th Lab Safety Day’ held on the first floor of the GS Tower at Yeoksam, Seoul held on the 9th, the YU Energy and Materials Engineering Lab (School of Chemical Engineering Professor Ryu Shi-ok) and the Physics and Chemistry Lab (Department of Environmental Engineering Professor Kim Seok-kyu) received a certification and plaque for being selected as ‘Excellent Safety Management Labs’ by the MISP. After the Water Treatment Lab (Department of Environmental Engineering Jung Jin-young) was selected last year, YU labs were recognized as labs with outstanding safety management from the government for two consecutive years.
 The ‘Excellent Safety Management Lab Certification Program’ is a government program that gives certifications for labs with excellent safety management levels and activities through reviews by experts in order to strengthen the self-safety management capacities of research labs in the science technology sector installed in universities and research institutes, while also finding and spreading standard safety management models. Prior to the full-fledged implementation of this program, the MISP pursued the ‘Excellent Safety Management Certification Program’ since July 2013. After a three year pilot program, it will use its experience to operate the program in full starting from 2016.
 The certification evaluation will undergo document review and field review in a total of 29 items in three fields such as the ▲Lab safety environment system (12 items) ▲Lab safety environment activity level (13 items) ▲Lab safety management personnel’s safety awareness (4 items). In the third-year of the program this year, two labs from YU were included in the 37 total labs under research institutes, corporate attached research centers, and universities.

 The two labs selected received high scores in the research safety activity sector such as for hazardous material risk analysis in experimentation procedures and accident response training, as well as in the safety awareness of lab personnel. In particular, activities to improve environmental safety through mentoring together with other outstanding labs were said to be consistent with the purpose of the excellent lab certification program.

 YU President Noh Seok-kyun said, “Taking care of the lab’s safety environment is the most important factor to gain excellent research achievements,” and added, “I hope that with this certification, all of the labs at our school will establish pleasant research environments, while spreading a culture of safety awareness.”
 Meanwhile, Kim Young-soo (45) of the Environmental Facility Team was selected as an outstanding manager for lab safety environment at this event and received a medal from the Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning. Mr. Kim was recognized for his contributions in raising safety awareness of employees in research through the development of various educational programs such as faculty and foreign researcher safety education.