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Central Library in Your Palm N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2015.10.21 09:56
  • Views : 7529

Smart phone seating, ‘library app’

Constructed mobile-based library facility integrated management system

Leading the education and administration sector ‘smart campus’ service and ‘3rd place in the world for e-learning’

[October 12, 2015]



 The YU (President Noh Seok-kyun) library is now in the palm of your hand in your smart phone. 


Following the world-class ‘e-learning’ education, mobile device-based administrative support systems were also introduced, as YU takes a step closer to the construction of the smart campus.


Recently, YU constructed the ‘library facility integrated management system’ to provide efficient and comfortable library facility usage services to students. It will undergo a month of test services during October and after collecting opinions and suggestions from students on errors and complaints, it will begin operations in November.


Students can install the ‘YU Central Library Application’ (hereinafter called library app) in their smart phones to use the service. Using the library app, students can search materials, renew rentals, request book purchases, etc through their smart phone. In particular, you can use the ‘mobile seating assignment service’ in the library app, which is expected to be of great help for student’s uses of the library.


In the past YU students were assigned library seats through the integrated seat assignment device installed on the first floor of the central library and the second floor of the science library. But by adding the library seating assignment function in the library app, students can check library seating status from anywhere and reserve their seats.


YU Department of Forest Resources and Landscape Architecture junior, Kim Su-jeong (21) said, “During exams, there were times that I had to go back disappointed even after coming to the library early in the morning and waiting in line for the seat assignment device because there were no seats left.” She added, “I no longer have to wait in line and can check in real time using the library app for whether there are any seats available and then make reservations right away.”


In addition to making reservations for seats in the library using the library app, YU also made it possible for students to reserve digital materials, PC and DVD corners in the digital information room, and even group study rooms.


YU President Noh Seok-kyun said, “In addition to education and research, advancing administrative services is also one of the top 10 policies of our universities,” and added, “We will do our best so that students will be able to more efficiently access and use such administrative services.”


YU has already been recognized for its excellence in ‘e-learning’ by the world’s top MBA program, The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and the world college ranking institute QS, ranking third in the world for the e-learning sector by ‘The Wharton-QS Stars Reimagine Education Awards 2014’ (Education Innovation Award). Thus, YU has already been recognized to have reached world-best levels in making education sectors smart. In light of this, the college’s administrative support system is also becoming smart. It introduced the first campus emergency rescue service ‘YU Care Call’ app for the first time in Korea in June, and with this library app, it is quickly going constructing the smart campus for YU.