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Professor Park Yong-ha Investigates ‘Kimchi Lactobacillus’ Anti-Virus Effects N

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  • Date : 2015.07.21 14:18
  • Views : 9420
Kimchi lactobacillus found to have excellent anti-virus effects for corona virus, etc
First time in the world to investigate anti-virus effects of kimchi lactobacillus
International collaborative research between Korea and Malaysia opens new possibilities to develop drugs using kimchi lactobacillus
Distribution begins to respiratory disease patients in the Bundang area including the Bundang 21st Century Yonsei Hospital
[July 7, 2015]
  A college research team in Korea announced research results stating that kimchi lactobacillus is effective for preventing and treating viral diseases such as the corona virus family, which includes MERS-CoV and influenza.
 The ‘Customized Medical Research Team’ (Director – School of Biotechnology Professor Park Yong-ha), a research institute under YU (President Noh Seok-kyun), announced that it became first in the world to prove that lactobacillus extracted from kimchi has vast preventive and treatment effect for corona virus, influenza virus and pathogenic bacteria diseases. It scientifically proved that kimchi is a health food that could protect the health of people around the world.
 The international collaborative consortium research team comprised of Professor Park Yong-ha, Professor 리옹 of USM University in Malaysia, the multi-national company ‘3M’, animal testing company ‘Teroka Jaya’, and the Korean company specializing in bacillus ‘Probionic’ carried out research on antibiotic feeds to substitute for livestock (chicken) of kimchi lactobacillus for the past year. In result, it was proven that the ‘Lactobacillus Sakei Probio 65’ host found in kimchi lactobacillus could replace the antibiotics in livestock feed involving disputes over the abuse of antibiotics. In addition, upon injecting the ‘Lactobaccillus Sakei Probio 65’ host in 2,000 mother pigs infected with the animal corona  at a hog farm near the Daedeok Research Complex and at YU, it showed 100% recovery in clinical trials in just one week. When animals consume kimchi lactobacillus, lgA, an antibody in the blood, is secreted in the mucus membrane. Through this, the host is defended against attacks by viruses, while immuno-globulin G and gamma interferon is increased in the body, scientifically proving the mechanism that prevents infection by corona virus.
<Kimchi Lactobacillus Anti-Corona Virus Activity>
Type of Corona Virus: PED Corona Virus (PED-CoV)
Cell Host: Vero cell separated from monkey kidneys
Kimchi Lactobacillus: Lactobacillus sakei
 Cells infected with PED-CoV / Suppression of infection by L. Sakei 
Such research results were recently presented through a joint press conference of Professor Park and University Sains Malaysia (USM) Dean Osman, and reported by Malaysia’s national TV station, Malaysia 1 News and other media including the Malaysis Insider. Professor Park and the joint research team is planning to report parts of the research results at the ‘Asia Lactobacillus Conference’ that will be held in Bangkok, Thailand from the 8th to 11th of this month as well.
 On this, YU Customized Medical Research Team Director, Professor Park Yong-ha said, “These research results not only open up the possibilities of developing new drugs that can deal with corona virus and influenza, as well as immunity-related diseases such as atopy, but it will also contribute greatly in the globalization of kimchi as a health food.” He added, “We have already launched the product in early June through domestic bio companies and we are planning to distribute them to the world in the future. We are receiving a flood of orders from Japanese pharmaceutical companies.”
*Comparative Experiment of Anti-bacterial Capacities of Probio Hosts
- Displays excellent anti-bacterial effects (alternative antibiotic abiity) compared to foreign lactobacillus that have been commercialized 
 These research results are receiving great attention from the domestic medical circles. Doctors in the Bundang area such as the 21st Century Yonsei Hospital in Bundang, Gyeonggi-do are expecting that the Lactobaccillus Sakei Probio 65 kimchi lactobacillus will be effective for preventing not only MERS, but also influenza, and began recommending kimchi lactobacillus to over 10 patients who frequently suffer from respiratory diseases since the end of June. Once the effects are verified, they are planning to begin full-fledged clinical studies.
 Meanwhile, Professor Park is an acclaimed authority on lactobacillus research for over 30 years, and reported ‘Lactobacillus kimchii’ for the first time in the world to the international academic circles to establish the position of Korea as the home of kimchi. He also teamed up with Professor Han Yoon-soo (Pediatrics) at Chungbuk National University and Probiotics (CEO Lee Hyun-joo) in an industry-academic cooperate research team to study the atopy immuno-disease treatment effects of kimchi microorganisms, and discovered the kimchi lactobacillus, ‘Lactobacillus Sakei Probio 65’ for the first time in the world. Upon applying on atopy diseases, it was found to effectively reduce cytokine that worsens immuno-diseases and improve it by over 238%, while publishing the mechanism through scientific clinical trials in an acclaimed international academic journal in 2010. He also published multiple research results stating that kimchi lactobacillus had excellent preventive and treatment effects of PED corona virus that causes epidemic diarrhea in hogs. Professor Park completed registration of international patents for such kimchi lactobacillus and received approval by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in 2013 as an individually recognized health functional food ingredient for the Lactobacillus Sakei Probio 65.
 Professor Park said, “Lactobacillus Sakei Probio 65 extracted from kimchi has the broadest anti-corona virus, anti-influenza, and anti-pathogenic bacteria effects than any other lactobacillus discovered, and its immuno-improvement effects were also proven through multiple tests.” He added, “Our country will play a leading role in the development of new drugs for preventing and treating various diseases such as corona virus diseases such as SARS and MERS, influenza, as well as immuno-diseases such as atopy.”