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YU Wins Another Large-Scale National Project Worth 10 Billion Won for Next Five N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2015.06.08 13:42
  • Views : 7891
Automobile specialized lighting sector selected for 2 projects in the renewable energy sector worth 9.8 billion won over five years
Establish foothold to foster next-generation key technology experts
Expected to have ripple effect for development of regional industry development and related industries
[May 27, 2015]
<YU LED-IT Center>
 YU (President Noh Seok-kyun) procured national funding of 9.8 billion won over the next five years by winning large-scale national projects to foster key technology experts of the future. 

 YU was recently selected as the host institute of the ‘automobile lighting LED-IT expert fostering project’ (project supervisor, Professor of Electronic Engineering Lee Chan-soo), which is overseen by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology to receive a total of 6.5 billion won for five years until February 2020. This project, which will be pursued with the support of the central and local governments, as well as the private sector, was established to foster master’s and PhD level experts in the transport specialized lighting field.
 YU won this research project by being recognized for the excellent education and research infrastructure possessed by the university such as the excellent faculty and convergence education course plans related to automobile LED lighting technologies, and strengths in industry-academic cooperation with local automobile lighting companies. 

 Accordingly, YU is planning to pursue the project focusing on fostering hands-on experts in relevant fields such as operating an automobile lighting specialized curriculum and education course, corporate-customized design education, establishment of relevant departments and specialized graduate schools, conducting company demand-based industry-academic cooperative projects, field work at specialized automobile lighting companies, and providing college-company employment programs.

 In addition, YU was also selected for the ‘renewable energy power and heat production / storage hybrid system human resources fostering project’ (project supervisor Professor of Chemical Engineering Jung Jae-hak). By being selected for this project sponsored by the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, YU will receive funding for research worth 3.3 billion won such as private and public funding and investment in kinds for the next five years.

 YU’s policy is to foster experts with a wide scope of engineering knowledge on the production and storage convergence technologies of renewable energy power and heat sources through this project. Accordingly, YU is planning to construct a customized education track and to foster personnel customized to the convergence industry through industry-academic cooperation.

 Thus, by being selected for national research projects, YU is expected to take a preemptive step in fostering specialists who will lead the next-generation core technologies, which will be the growth engine for the future.

 Moreover, in addition to the engineering track, as of March 2015, YU was also selected for a total of 137 research projects funded by the central government and outside sectors in various fields including the humanities and social studies tracks, proving its recognition for the research capacities of its colleges and professors.