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Kim Do-hoon (Visual Design), Maeil Newspaper Advertisement Awards 'Grand Prize' N

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  • Date : 2016.01.06 10:18
  • Views : 7955
Grand prize in awards sector with 'Elixir of the Heart'
Public benefit and commercial such as leading to purchase of books and promoting reading
All 4 pieces submitted awarded
[November 20, 2015]
 Kim Do-hoon (23, photo on left), a junior in the Department of Visual Communication Design won the grand prize at the '2015 Maeil Newspaper Advertisement Awards'.

 The Maeil Newspaper Advertisement Awards, which is in its 13th year this year, is an advertising contest that has been held since 2003 for the development of the advertisement industry by the Maeil Newspaper Company. This contest that was categorized in the creative and general sector gave the grand prize in the creative sector to Mr. Kim Do-hoon, who teamed up with Kwon Do-won of Yeungnam University College, for the piece titled 'Elixir of the Heart'.

 The 'Exlixir of the Heart' is an advertisement design showing books inside the wrappings of traditional elixir medicines, thus having commercial aspects to purchase books and public benefit aspects of promoting reading.

 Mr. Kim said, "After reading a sign at Kyobo Bookstore that Korean adults read 9.2 books per year on average, I decided to make an advertisement on books.' He explained his piece saying, "After learning about the reading therapist license, I made the concept of 'reading is a doctor and treatment', and I thought of 'traditional elixirs' that are taken to revitalize people when they are weak."
<'Elixir of the Heart' by Kim Do-hoon of the Department of Visual Communication Design who won the grand prize at the 2015 Maeil Newspaper Advertisement Awards>
 He stated, "I first came up with various ideas such as books being between a row of elixirs and books coming out of an elixir machine, but I thought that they were too explanatory and I sought for designs that could be understood more intuitively." He added, "I then thought about showing a book through a slightly ripped package of elixir medicines to make this piece."

 Kim took the grand prize at this contest with 'Elixir of the Heart', and also received 1 special price and 2 general awards, thus receiving awards for all four pieces that he submitted.

 Mr. Kim, who enrolled at the YU Department of Visual Communication Design with the dream of becoming an advertisement professional, won various awards in a number of contests this year including the Busan Ad Stars, Internet Addiction Prevention Contest, and Electric Safety Contest, showing his capacities as a future professional in advertising.

 Meanwhile, the awarding ceremony was held on the 11th floor auditorium of Maeil Newspaper Company at 3 p.m. on the 18th and the awarded pieces were put on display on the 1st floor of the Catholic University of Daegu CU Gallery up until the 19th.