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‘College-Company’ Teams Up for Employment! N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2015.10.07 09:32
  • Views : 7671
Pyeonghwa Holdings and Sewon Group signs MOUs with YU
Operation of programs linking college to employment in company
Joint education reflecting corporate demands and strengthening practical capacities of students
[Sep 22, 2015]
<On the 21st, YU signed an MOU for the operation of an employment-linked program with Pyeonghwa Holdings.>
 YU (President Noh Seok-kyun) will pursue in full-fledge industry-academic specialized education programs by teaming up with strong mid-sized corporations in the region to help students find employment.
 YU’s representative specialization project team, the ‘Automobile Convergence Parts Creative Human Resources Fostering Project Team for Realizing a Creative Economy (Director Song Dong-joo)’ signed MOUs with a local automobile parts manufacturing company, Pyeonghwa Holdings (CEO Kim Dong-gwan) and Sewon Group (Chairman Kim Mun-ki) on the 21st and 22nd, respectively. The purpose of this is to operate programs linked to employment that can improve the practical capacities of students.
 First off, on the 21st, YU President Noh Seok-kyun met with Pyeonghwa Holdings CEO Kim Dong-gwan and agreed to operate a ‘Technician Academy’ to foster specialized technical personnel. The Technician Academy program is divided into the ‘education course after employment’ for new employees at Pyeonghwa Holdings and the ‘employment course after education’ for undergraduate students.
 With this MOU, YU will dispatch faculty in the education course after employment to Pyeonghwa Holdings and directly participate in education. For the operation of the employment course after education, it agreed to cooperate in recruiting students, developing curricula, and in education. In particular, they are planning to conduct education and field work for students by jointly developing an industry-academy specialization course (Pyeonghwa Track 1 and 2) in the employment course after education, so it is expected that they will be able to foster corporate customized technical personnel with practical capacities.
 CEO Kim Dong-gwan said, “With this MOU, students will be armed with capacities to carry out duties immediately upon graduation, and companies will be able to procure excellent technical personnel.” He added, “Industry-academic cooperation is a foothold for not only colleges and companies to develop, but also for the community to grow together. I hope that such industry-academic cooperation programs will continue to be expanded in the future.”
<YU signed an MOU with the Sewon Group on the 22nd and agreed to operate an employment-linked long-term field work program.>
 YU also signed a work MOU with Sewon Group (Chairman Kim Mun-ki), an automobile parts manufacturing company. At 11 a.m. on the 22nd, YU President Noh Seok-kyun and Chairman Kim Mun-ki agreed to foster company-customized personnel and operate an internship (long-term field work) program through industry-academic cooperation.
 With the signing of this agreement, the two institutes agreed to ▲pursue educational courses to resolve mismatching between students and companies ▲develop and operate educational courses to support employment customized to industries ▲pursue YU student intern projects ▲pursue full-time employment through evaluations after internships by utilizing the capacities of the two institutes.
 In particular, YU is planning to organize a regular curriculum (Sewon Chassis Process Design 1, Sewon Chassis Process Design 2) to foster customized technical personnel for juniors and seniors in the School of Mechanical Engineering) and offer it from the first semester of 2016. Sewon Group will begin internship programs for seniors in their second semester for those who completed the regular curriculum and employ full-time employees every year after making evaluations.
 Chairman Kim Mun-ki said, “Through the signing of this MOU, colleges and companies will be able to operate long-term programs linked to opening educational courses, selecting students, operate field work, and finally result in employment.” He added, “Good human resources are the competence of companies. We hope that the university and company will work together to foster outstanding human resources.”
 YU and the two companies are planning to install operating committees for the operation of these programs. The operating committee will be composed of no more than three persons recommended by the CEO of the companies and no more than three persons appointed by the president of YU to develop and operate educational courses to foster human resources needed by the company.
 YU President Noh Seok-kyun said, “YU’s industry-academic cooperation that worked hard for the employment of students is finally beginning to bear fruit,” and added, “We will continue to do our best to strengthen industry-academic cooperation and develop employment-linked programs in various tracks so that students will be able to gain employment in their desired companies.”