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Faculty Makes ‘Golden Time’! N

  • Writer pr
  • Date : 2016.03.23 10:29
  • Views : 7570
Mr. Doh Young-hyun of the School of Mechanical Engineering saves person with CPR
Mr. Lee Cheol-hwan of the Electric Team received 'Heart Saver' certification for saving the life of a subcontractor employee
Annual employee CPR education together with Gyeongsan Fire Station a huge help
[March 21, 2016]
<Faculty who saved a person with CPR and fire fighters from the Gyeongsan Fire Station>
(from left to right: Gyeongsan Fire Station Emergency Response and Rescue Team Fire Fighter Kim Bo-ram, faculty Lee Cheol-hwan, Doh Young-hwan, Fire Chief Park Joo-ho)
 It was later revealed that a faculty member of YU saved the life of a person who passed out due to heart failure with CPR.

 A professor at a university located in Gyeongsan visited YU on the 17th to say thank-you to his 'life-saver'. The professor who had cardiac arrest at a sauna in Hwanggeum-dong in early March was saved by the quick emergency treatment from another guest at the sauna.
 The 'life-saver' was Mr. Doh Young-hyeon (48, College of Engineering School of Mechanical Engineering Administration Office) who worked at YU, which is another university located in Gyeongsan. He visited the sauna with his younger brother and saw the man passed out in the sauna, and he saved his life by using CPR. Mr. Doh said, "It appeared that his symptoms were the same as that of cardiac arrest patients so I immediately did CPR," and added, "My brother and I applied pressure to his chest and gave mouth-to-mouth, and he finally regained consciousness after about five minutes."

 Even after the patient regained consciousness, Mr. Doh continued to ask his name and whether the could move his body, and continued to check up on the state of the patient until the 119 emergency rescue workers arrived.
<Faculty members are receiving CPR training at Gyeongsan Fire Station>
 Mr. Doh said, "The CPR training that I received at Gyeongsan Fire Station in December of last year was very helpful," and added, "While receiving the training, I never thought that this would happen around me, but when the emergency situation occurred, the education and training I received came to mind clearly. The person to be thanked is not me, but the emergency response workers of the Gyeongsan Fire Station who provided such education."

 This was not the first time a faculty member of YU saved the life of a person. In August of last year, Lee Cheol-hwan (35) of the Electric Team saved the life of a subcontractor who passed out after being electrocuted. The subcontractor worker who was working on a utility pole on campus was shocked by electricity while cutting a cable and almost lost his life. Mr. Lee Cheol-hwan received the 'Heart Saver' certification (certificate given to emergency response workers and citizens who saved the life of emergency patients in risk of losing their life due to cardiac arrest with CPR) from Gyeongsangbuk-do in December of last year for his efforts in saving the life of another person.
 The reason why YU faculty could make such prompt emergency response was because the 'CPR and automated external defibrillator training' was held at the Gyeongsan Fire Station. YU provides training every year by cooperating with the Gyeongsan Fire Station Emergency Response and Rescue Department. Last year, a total of 157 employees received training in CPR over seven sessions. YU is planning to expand CPR from not only employees, but also teaching faculty.
 Gyeongsan Fire Station Chief Lee Gu-baek said, "After hearing that people who received training at fire station were able to save the lives of others without missing the golden time, I wanted to thank them." He added, "CPR is a simple emergency response that can save the lives of people in times of crisis. We will cooperate with other institutes in the region so that more people will not miss the golden time during emergency situations by continuously providing CPR education for the general public."